To install "Keep Me Posted", do the following:
- Extract the contents of the ZIP file using your favorite utility.
- Run the setup program ("KMPSetup.exe") and follow the instructions.
- Configure the software and click [OK].
- The SMTP "From" address needs to be of the format
- The SMTP "To" address can contain multiple addresses separated by
carriage controls.
- The SMTP "To" address can be of the format "Somebody Special" <>.
- The FTP, FrontPage, and Router passwords will not display in the form, but will
be stored in the registry in plain text format. This may be a security
problem for some people.
- The FTP "Subdirectory" will accept either "/" or "\" as a separator.
- The FrontPage "Web File Name" must be of the format
Any subdirectories used must be present on the web server before the first
attempted upload. The mail subject and body and the FTP and FrontPage files are created
using their respective templates. All templates in use must include tokens
for all of the cards being monitored. The tokens are of the format %ipaddress_n%,
where n is a digit corresponding to the number of the card as displayed
in the "cards to monitor" list. For the router the token is %ipaddress_r%.
For external address detection, the token is %ipaddress_e%.
Once the configuration is complete and you hit [OK], the KMP service should
start and begin checking your address.
- KMP is installed as a service and is set to start automatically. It does not need to be placed in the
"Startup" folder. It will start automatically when the operating system
- On WinNT, Win2k, and WinXP the service will use the system account.
If this setting is unacceptable, change it in "Control Panel --> Services".
- If you would like to use the program without installing or running it as
a service, you can uninstall the service (by running "KMPServ /uninstall" from a
command prompt) and instead run "KMPServ /RunIt". This will
run KMP as an application and will put an icon in your tray.
Technical Information:
The installation program performs the following steps:
- stops old versions of the service if they are running
- copies the program's executable and help file to the chosen subdirectory
- creates an icon for the configuration screen
- installs the service (this is the same as running "KMPServ /install" from
a command line)
- opens the configuration screen
- if the user clicks [OK] on the configuration screen, it starts the service
(this is the same as running "KMPServ /start" or "net start "Keep Me Posted""
from the command line)